day 0, later,

Welcome 🙏

Jess Temporal Jess Temporal Follow Jan 01, 2021 · 1 min read
Welcome 🙏
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Dear diary, I did it! Day 0 completed! 🎉

The first video was a check-in moment, an opportunity to set an intention for this journey! Everything we do has a purpose, whether we like it or not. I didn’t have an intention when I said yes to Ana’s invite.

Better yet, let’s say I didn’t know what it was until I took a little bit of time to think about it.

Do you want to know what I decided on? Well… I’ll tell you anyway… you see, for the past year, I’ve been struggling to show up to my mat consistently. And I know it’s okay and that my body doesn’t always do things the same way.

But for the first time, after a long year, I realized that I like being around people for my practice. Whether it is yoga or swimming, I always had a room (or pool) full of people trying to be the best version of themselves— a sense of community.

And I miss it!

So my intention for this will be to show up for myself. To do my practice every day knowing that even though I don’t see it, other people (Ana, I’m looking at you girl!!) somewhere in the world are doing their part.

Even though today’s video wasn’t a practice per se, I pulled out my yoga mat from it’s usual “resting place” and sat there.

Listening to Adriene and just breathing. And thinking about my in­tention.

After this connection moment, I did a little hatha yoga with Down Dog’s help. And then finished my practice for the day.

<img src='' width=“30%” height="30%">

A little disclaimer, I’m not a morning person. But taking this moment first thing in the morning made me a little bit happier to have accomplished something before lunch on this cloudy day.

I’ll see you tomorrow on the mat.

Namaste! 🧘‍♀️

Jess Temporal
Written by Jess Temporal Follow
I'm data scientist and pocaster trying to show up to the mat everyday (for the next 30 days).